LOCK |  Tiffany & Co. 
為歡慶Tiffany & Co. 全新珠寶Lock系列 , 快閃店以無垠浩瀚的星空來突顯情感永恆之美.

Tiffany & Co. 與義大利當代藝術家Francesco Ideale Vull一同打造的互鎖雕塑,深刻傳達「人與人之間永恆的連結與承諾 」.

A temporary immersive experience is set up to celebrate
Tiffany & Co.’s latest “Lock” collection. Guests are invited into the infinite starry night sky to discover the meaning and mechanism behind the new bangle. 

With artist Francesco Vullo, Tiffany created a unifying lock to represent a symbol of unity and interconnectedness.