Hermès Crafting Time
All Taiwan Flagship Stores

Time and space offer a simultaneity that Hermès invites to experience in its new Crafting Time installation. At the center of a time kaleidoscope, guests can look at 24 time zones around them.

Each of these 24 time zones is related to a specific place imagined by Sandra Ratté in her cartography of the Hermès world.

愛馬仕超凡腕錶展邀請訪客來探索非線性的時空裝置. 一組定位在中心的萬花筒望遠鏡讓訪客轉動來漫遊一天中不同時段的世界. 每個世界來自加拿大藝術家Sabrina Ratté為Watches and Wonders 2022瑞士日內瓦錶展所創作的場景。