A Day with Cartier

Taipei, Taiwan

In 2021, Cartier Annual High Jewelry Exhibition revolved its journey on  “A day with Cartier”. Composed of three main exhibition halls, we utilized and combined the venue’s detail to create an indoor-outdoor scenery of experience. Unlike traditional high jewelry exhibitions, we brought in water, plants, and allowed  the light to shine through for a different kind of experience. Let’s follow the jaguar and explore the festival.

2021卡地亞年度頂級珠寶暨腕錶展以 (A Day with Cartier) 的主題創造出三大展區, 我們選擇在松山菸廠獨特的空間巧妙的與戶外園林特色結合, 室內創造出流動的水景、繁茂的花藝植栽與展區的作品融合, 有別於傳統的珠寶展而有更多自然景色與白天採光的不同空間體驗, 跟隨美洲豹的身影探索這場盛宴。